The Boland College Principal’s Award for Academic Achievement was awarded to a blind student of the Hein Wagner Academy, Lazaros Maroge, during a glamorous event that was held in Worcester on Tuesday 12 September 2022. Mr Maroge obtained more than 80% in all his subjects in N4, N5 and N6 Marketing Management. The average for his N6 subjects was a whopping 88%.
After completing his Grade 12, the visually impaired Lazaros was anxiously looking for a training institution where he could find the support he needed. He was introduced to the Hein Wagner Academy in Worcester which works in partnership with Boland College. At HWA he learnt to use screen reader technology to access all his textbooks electronically. Combined with this he was trained by highly skilled lecturers in how to excel in his typing and listening skills.
After completing his N6 Marketing Management Certificate, Mr Maroge is currently in his second year studying Cyber Security at the Hein Wagner Academy.

Mr Charles Goodwin read the below citation below during the award ceremony.
Citation in favour of Mr Lazaros Maroge
Mr Maroge completed his N4-N6 Marketing Management studies in 2021 and achieved consistent distinctions in all his subjects since N4. In his final year, he achieved above 80% in all his N6 subjects with 99% in Marketing Management and 96% in Sales Management.
Mr Maroge further had the distinction of being the top performing Nated Business Studies student at Boland College for the year and has gone on to study Cyber Security and is thriving in this area. What is more remarkable about Mr Maroge’s achievement is that it was attained despite being blind.
Originally from a rural farming community in Britz, Mr Maroge’s journey is a beautiful story of a blind person who was desperately looking for a training facility that would be willing and able to accommodate him with his special needs and finding Boland College and the Hein Wagner Academy as the vehicle to achieve such tremendous academic success.
Mr Maroge is a kind and gentle person who personifies the saying: to lead by example. He was the “go-to” person for his fellow students throughout his studies and was always willing to help and support and take the lead in class as well as in the hostel.
Being blind and a more reserved person, it was not easy for Mr Maroge to become involved in the student activities at the Worcester Campus. At Hein Wagner Academy, however, he was actively involved in every activity made available to the visually impaired students. He was also actively involved in our Hein Wagner promotional video to spread the word about the available training in collaboration with Boland College.
Mr Maroge is one of those people that one has the privilege of meeting once in a lifetime. He has an outstanding intellect and inner wisdom that stays with you long after he has left the conversation. He is highly respected by all staff members and has always been an inspiration to his fellow students.
Our very best wishes go with him.