+27 (0)23 346 6800 info@heinwagneracademy.org


A training facility catering to the needs of the visually impaired


The Hein Wagner Academy specialises in the post-grade 12 training of blind and visually impaired persons, and is based in Worcester, South Africa.

The Hein Wagner Academy was founded in 2019 by blind extreme adventurer and motivational speaker, Hein Wagner.

Our training facilities are set up to cater specifically to the training needs of the blind and visually impaired. Each computer has a speech and magnification programme already loaded and our lecturers and trainers are highly specialised with years of experience in training the blind and visually impaired.

AUDIO CLIP: Hein Wagner Academy & Primedia Cares

Epic Radio Commercial 2024


We offer a range of courses catering to the individual needs of our learners.

Close up of student reading braille

Accredited Courses

Students can choose to apply for one of two nationally accredited courses offered in partnership with Boland College: Management Assistant (N4 – N6) or Marketing Management (N4 – N6).

Student feeling branding letters on window: "Hein Wagner Academy Cyber Security"

Cyber Security Programme

As a CompTIA-authorised academy partner and Cisco-certified networking academy, we offer a 3-year learnership in partnership with Absa. The programme offers national and international certifications.

Close up of hands typing on computer

Short Courses

Our Microsoft Office, Liquid VOP and Smart Device courses are designed to suit individual needs and focused on maximum student-trainer interaction.

Courses are one week each.


Video: Hein Wagner Academy – What we are all about
Video: Hein Wagner talking to deafblind David Geyer using the Tadoma method
graduation cap icon

The HWA 2024 Graduation Ceremony

What an unforgettable graduation day for our Cyber Security students at the Hein Wagner Academy.

Huge thanks to Absa for their unwavering support, this wouldn’t be possible without you and to our 10 amazing graduates for their hard work and dedication. You’ve all achieved so much!

Tears of joy, laughter, and pride filled the room, reminding us of the incredible journey we’ve all shared. These moments will be cherished forever!

Absa partner logo

Hein Wagner Academy 2024 Graduation video

Hein Wagner Academy 2024 Graduation image reel


Partner - Comptia Logo
Partner - Cisco Logo
Sponsor - Taquanta Logo
Sponsor - Pragma Logo
Sponsor - MBB Logo
Diversey company logo
Primedia Cares logo
Partner - Boland College


Blind student is awarded Principal’s Award 2021

BLIND STUDENT IS AWARDED PRINCIPALS AWARD 2021 The Boland College Principal’s Award for Academic Achievement was awarded to a blind student of the Hein Wagner Academy, Lazaros Maroge, during a glamorous event that was held in Worcester on Tuesday 12 September 2022. Mr...

Being blind is no obstacle for College’s SRC President

Being blind is no obstacle for college's SRC president Worcester Standard: 14 April 2022 The new executive SRC president of Boland College is a clear example of how pushing through hardship can lead to success, however severe the obstacles one encounters. Elvis...