+27 (0)23 346 6800 info@heinwagneracademy.org


The Hein Wagner Academy was founded in 2019 by blind extreme adventurer and motivational speaker, Hein Wagner.  Hein was born blind and attended the Pioneer School for the Blind in Worcester from the age of five.

“At the time I could not believe my parents dropped me off at a blind school so young, but now I know it was the best decision ever. During my teenage years I was introduced to two-way radio communications by a blind friend, and I soon knew that technology is the only bridge into the sighted world. I became the first totally blind learner at the school to complete my final exams on a computer with text-to-speech software that I had installed myself.”

While Hein started his career as a switchboard operator, he soon worked his way into the IT industry and 12 years later he was the international sales manager for a multinational internet security company. Now Hein travels the world, inspiring people to achieve the impossible by turning huge obstacles into major opportunities.

At the end of 2018, Innovation for the Blind (formerly the Institute for the Blind) was forced to close the Department for Career Development due to financial constraints after providing training for post-grade 12 blind and visually impaired students for more than 30 years.

Photo of Hein Wagner sitting on a chair

“As an alumnus of the Department of Career Development and knowing how much its services mean, I knew that something had to be done, hence the birth of the Hein Wagner Academy.”

Our facilities in Worcester, South Africa, cater to students who are blind and visually impaired, offering full-time and part-time courses as well as full board and accommodation. Our campus within walking distance of all amenities. We can also accommodate small groups of visually impaired students for shorter courses.


To enable the visually impaired to become economically independent and socially connected through training, sports recreation, and the arts.


To bridge the gap between being dependent and being independent for the visually impaired by providing specialised training in an environment focused on the needs and development of persons living with vision loss.


We promise to take you from as far as your fingers can reach to as far as you dare to dream. We will enable you to be the inspiration the world so desperately needs by supporting you to reach your full potential.